Supported Living

Individuals with a dual diagnosis are a marginalised group in our society, often exposed to prejudices, abuse, social isolation and lack of suitable support options that can meet this service user group’s specific support needs. Here at Advantage Care we provide a specialist supported living accommodation for men and women with a diagnosis of learning disability or autism and associated mental health and behavioural support needs, which may disrupt their ability to consistently function independently or as part of a community, participate in employment, maintain positive relationships or cope with the demands of every-day life.

Supported living services offer an excellent alternative to residential care settings and is an ideal setting to assess and consolidate skills, identity areas that need more work and risk assess in an environment that replicates home.

Advantage Care is determined to support individuals to sustain a successful tenancy by offering a secure, reassuring environment that enables our service users to develop positive relationships that form the basis for change, learning and personal development.

Individuals are supported in our properties and manage their own finances. The frequency and intensity of support depends on the complexity of the individual, however; carer assistance is tailored to meet the needs of each individual and will be adapted as they develop resilience, coping strategies, confidence and self-reliance.

Our experienced care teams encourage users of the service to set their own goals and objectives and work towards achieving them at a pace they are comfortable with, hence; allowing them to gain a degree of autonomy over the care and support they receive.


All staff have undergone comprehensive training to meet the varying demands or our client group. They are trained to deal with individuals with challenging behaviour and complex needs. Other training includes understanding brain injury and psychological approaches in care provision. Throughout the year, staff attend a wide range of training and personal development courses to equip them to work effectively and professionally with our customers.

Our 24hr accommodation has staff on-site all day, with sleeping staff available during the night.

Out of Hours Service

Tenants in all our schemes can contact a member staff for assistance during the night. On-call staff is available to respond to emergencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Company Registration: 13826417


Innovation Way, Genesis Centre, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 4BF


07470 506619

01782 640 956


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